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For the smiles of moms and the future of children ☆

We support rich childcare ♡




  • 妊娠中の生活や出産、産後の過ごし方に不安がある

  • 母乳育児に関する知識を深めたい

  • ​母乳が不足しているのではないかと感じている

  • 乳房のトラブルを改善したい

  • 赤ちゃんの発達に応じたより良いコミュニケーションの方法を知りたい

  • ご主人との良いパートナーシップの形を築きたい

  • 妊娠中や陣痛中、産後など状況に応じたリラクゼーションの方法を知りたい

  • 親子の成長の記録を残し、良い子育てを実感したい

  • 母乳育児を行いたいけどなかなかうまくいかない。 

  • ほんとにこれで大丈夫??赤ちゃんのお世話の仕方に不安がある。 

  • なぜかイライラする、悲しくなる、落ち込む・・・旦那さんとも仲良くできない。 

  • ネットの情報ばかり見て一喜一憂している、または、混乱している。

  • 産後母乳育児を行ってみたけどなかなかうまくいかない。 

  • 乳房のトラブルがありどうしたらいいか困っている。 

  • 赤ちゃんの成長、発達が順調であるか心配。



Total care experience story (Mr. N)

Total care experience story (Mr. S)

Total care from pregnancy to postpartum

A facilitator who watches over the growth of parents and children and snuggles up together

We help you grow and face yourself through childcare


Perinatal facilitator midwives provide total prenatal and postnatal care.
What is a perinatal facilitator?
A companion who walks alongside a woman and her family in the maternity cycle from the pre-mama period to the postpartum period.



Total care from pregnancy to postpartum

​​ Total care course care flow


What is included in the total care course

● Counseling for moms who are pregnant, after giving birth, and raising children

● Private maternity lessons during pregnancy (one free)

● Care for anxiety about childbirth and discomfort of minor troubles

● Coping with postpartum breast problems, breast care, and breastfeeding guidance

● Mental and physical care and relaxation such as aroma massage and reflation

● Consultation on development-related worries about childcare (baby crying, lack of breast milk, baby food, night crying, shyness, growth / development, etc.)

● Consultation, guidance, and care regarding weaning and weaning

● Care by visiting the above (500 yen for 30 minutes or more by car)


After discharge, a very satisfying intensive care pack!

This course is recommended for those who have problems after giving birth.

What is included in the half care course

● Childcare counseling

● Ablution guidance

● Coping with postpartum breast problems, breast care, and breastfeeding guidance

● Mental and physical care and relaxation such as aroma massage and reflation

● Care by visiting or visiting the above offices (500 yen for 30 minutes or more by car)

This course is recommended for short-term intensive care after childbirth.

What is included in the short care course

● Childcare counseling

● Ablution guidance

● Coping with postpartum breast problems, breast care, and breastfeeding guidance

● Mental and physical care and relaxation such as aroma massage and reflation

● Care by visiting or visiting the above offices (500 yen for 30 minutes or more by car)

This course is recommended for those who have to stop breastfeeding before returning to work or in a planned manner.

Please be sure to consult while breastfeeding. To prepare the mind and body of mothers and children
It will take 1-2 months. Please make a reservation with plenty of time.
Those who have already weaned themselves will not be accepted.

Please contact us first.

We will propose the care that suits you best.




Trouble such as mastitis

(Pain, lumps, cracked nipples, redness, induration, vitiligo, milk plugs)

✳︎ We may not be able to respond depending on the reservation situation.

60 minutes each time: 5000 yen


● What to bring

3 face towels

Mother and Child Handbook (Parent and Child Health Handbook)

Are you worried?

Why are you crying baby? Are you crying with me?


  • おっぱいでているの?

  • 何で泣いているか分からない

  • 寝かせるとすぐ泣いてしまう

  • 可愛いと思えない



Origin At the maternity hospital, we will stay close to postpartum anxiety !!


​​Origin At the maternity hospital ...

  • 赤ちゃんの気持ちが分かる様に大変身!

  • 赤ちゃんが上手におっぱいを飲む方法!

  • おっぱいが出るように支援します

  • 産後の体の疲れをいやす









Guest teaching at nursery schools, kindergartens, elementary, junior high and high schools, etc.

We invite children to class for life at school classes and PTA events.

Standard birth studies
Birth studies of secondary sexual characteristics (for half adult ceremonies)
Birth studies for third-year junior high school students-to all high school students

Birth study workshop for junior high and high school students

Birth studies for high school students

Teens (Girls & Boys) Program

Birth studies for college students
Birth studies for toddlers and lower grades

Menstruation class for mother and daughter

Birth study briefing session for parents
Boys' body classroom for mothers

Home sex education

Birth studies for school nurses

Leaving care program for orphanages


Guest teaching fee [1 course]
The regulation fee for the guest class for birth studies is currently 30,000 yen (including one meeting: tax not included), but we will be happy to discuss your budget.


サロン開催費用【1講座】 親子一組2,000円〜

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